Your support for the Villa Unspunnen
Donations and deposits
The account information below can be used for donations or deposits in connection with a donation-based seminar or webinar. Thank you very much for supporting us by contributing to the bright thought of “one world, one humanity, one consciousness”.
Please settle invoices in CHF using the enclosed payment slip or in cash on arrival; other payments (without invoice) via your online banking account by using SEPA payment.
Account holder Villa Unspunnen AG, Oberdorfweg 7, CH-3812 Wilderswil
Bank Raiffeisen Schweiz, CH-9001 St. Gallen
Account no. for transfers in
CHF (swiss francs) IBAN CH51 8080 8005 3891 3847 5
EUR (SEPA transfer) IBAN CH32 8080 8008 8108 4408 1